Theory of Music

Theory of Music Lessons in London

The theory of music is such an integral part of understanding written manuscript, the two are inseparable.
Develop your understanding of music theory and increase your knowledge.
Expert Musical Theory

Once understood to a reasonable degree, many ‘brick walls’ will disappear with regards to reading and realising music. Coupled with good technical playing, half the battle is already won.

The ABRSM have now transferred written theory exams Grades 1 - 5 to an online system which unfortunately doe not require any hand written notation in the exam - something which most Professors and Teachers will have gone to painstaking lengths to have Terms and Signs correctly written and presented on the stave.

It is my fear if Teachers do not keep handwriting of music alive, the art will be lost.

I will continue to use the original methods, but then making the easy adjustment to cater for the online examinations which is mainly drag and drop and multiple choice.

Handwriting music on the staves is as important as handwriting is to typing. 

Based in London near Woolwich, David Bellham Piano Tuition can improve your playing today. 

Expert Musical Theory Tuition

Grasping the concepts of written manuscript and why notation is written in such a way is one of the major factors in good sight reading. Having the ability to anticipate where the music is going (or 'modulating') is invaluable to anyone playing any instrument.

Key theoretical points are covered such as:
  • Terms and signs
  • Why notes are grouped/beamed together in particular ways
  • Arrangements of notes and rests
  • Time signatures – both simple and compound
  • Why scales and key signatures are invariably linked
  • An understanding of the tonal system...what are majors and minors and how are they related?
  • Intervals
  • Recognising and choosing chords to form cadences

Develop your depth of knowledge with theory tuition from 
David Bellham Piano Tuition.
Call 020 8425 0531

Theory Lessons For Grading Students

So much importance is placed on the theory aspect of music and quite rightly so as it is very much the foundation of many great musicians.

It is also a requirement of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) to have 5 of its 8 theory grades covered.

To progress on to grade 6 with any instrument, the grade 5 theory exam has to be taken.

Most people stop theory at this point as it is the passport to complete the remaining practical grades.

Theory Lessons For Grading


Grades 1 - 5

  • Basic to intermediate musical literacy
  • Reading and understanding written notes, their places within the key system and its associated grammar
  • Melody writing and transposition

Grades 6 – 8

  • Increased harmonic vocabulary & modulation
  • Four-part writing / keyboard style & figured bass
  • Completion of outline in given style
  • Score reading & focus on context

All requirements for grading are available from the ABRSM website.

Writing melodies for instruments
Please note: From and including February 2018, transcribing from short score to open score and vice versa along with writing a melody to words or continuing a melody for a given instrument is no longer a requirement

My Theory Lessons Cover

  • Notation/clefs/time and key signatures
  • Writing answering Rhythms 
  • Intervals
  • Tones/semitones
  • Major/minor/chromatic scale construction
  • Answering rhythms
  • Triads/root position/inversions
  • Transposing
  • Transcribing from open to short score/vice versa
  • Recognising chords/cadences
  • Terms and signs
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